Welcome to your wellness journey.
This virtual consult is used to answer questions about how your specific case would be approached and about functional medicine in general. We’ll also review your history/symptoms and outline how to properly overcome hormone, inflammatory, and digestive issues.
If we are a good fit to work together, you are welcome to move forward with the Elemental Assessment. I will follow up with a personalized email that will guide you in the right direction with additional resources to consider for your health journey (regardless of whether or not we decide to work together).
It’s a win-win!
How much support will I need?
The MSQ or Medical Symptom Questionnaire was developed by the Institute for Functional Medicine and is used to assess and track symptoms.
If this is your first time taking the MSQ, rate each of the following symptoms based on your health for the past two weeks. If you are tracking recent changes, answer according to the last 48 hours. Please score from 0 to 4 according to the scale.